The IBM Research Jikes Compiler Project

Frequently Asked Questions About Jikes

February 17, 1999

About Jikes

What is Jikes?
How do I use it? What options does it support?
Why must I define CLASSPATH? What is JIKESPATH?
How do I control the compiler listing?
What is incremental compilation?
How do I use Jikes to generate dependencies for make?
Why does Jikes reject a program that another compiler accepts, or accept one that it rejects?
Does Jikes follow the Unofficial Java Spec Report?
What can I do if I don't get the same results when using class files generated by Jikes?
How do I report bugs?

About Jikes Source

Why is IBM Research making the source available?
What does IBM Research plan to do with the source?
What can I do with the source?
How do I compile the source?
How do I test the compiler?
I'd like to join your project. How can I help?
Do you have any program documentation? Where do I get it?
Will you continue to distribute binary versions on alphaWorks?
How does Jikes compare with IBM products such as VisualAge Java?

What is Jikes?

Jikes is a Java compiler, written from scratch in C++, that translates Java source files as defined in The Java Language Specification (Addison-Wesley, 1996) and Inner Classes Specification (JavaSoft, Release 2/10/97) into the bytecoded instruction set and binary format defined in The Java Virtual Machine Specification (Addison-Wesley, 1996) .

The original version of Jikes was written by Philippe Charles and Dave Shields of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Since the release of the source in early December 1998 they have continued work on the compiler as contributors.

You can use Jikes to see if your program conforms to the specification. It accepts the language as specified: not a subset, not a variant, not a superset.

You can use Jikes in the same way as your current compiler, since it accepts the usual command line options and arguments. You can use it to quickly compile part, or all, of your program.

Jikes can also compute the complete dependency relations of the files in your program, so that:

You can visit the Jikes Discussion Database . It contains recent problem reports and other topics, including suggestions and a discussion on the Clarification and Interpretation of the Java Language Specification.

Here are links to some articles in the press that mention Jikes:
Internet Computing (April 1998): Java Tools Enrich the Bean Pool
PC Week (December 22, 1997): PCW Labs' top 10 tech trends: It was the best of information technology
PC Week (September 22, 1997): IBM spreading its software wings
Infoworld (May 24, 1997): IBM to invest $100 million in Internet, networking research center this year
Web Week (April 28, 1997): IBM Greases Java's Rails
PC Week (April 14, 1997): IBM, Netscape Up Web Ante

You can see recent comments about Jikes in the Usenet discussions by searching for "Jikes" in dejanews.

How do I use it? What options does it support?

Invoke Jikes in the same way as your current compiler; it accepts the usual command line options and arguments.

Invoke Jikes with no arguments to see a short summary of the arguments. Here is a more complete description:

generate LocalVariableTable attribute
do not generate LineNumberTable attribute
no effect (recognized for compatibility with many compilers)
recompile all used classes
report on use of deprecated features (This feature is not yet implemented.)
suppress warning messages
list files read and written
-classpath path
set classpath
do not write any class files
-d dir
write class files in specified directory
compile in incremental mode
recognize only the 1.0 level of the language, reporting as errors any uses of features added in the 1.1 level.
Do not generate bytecode. This is used primarily for debugging the compiler. -nowrite generates byte code but does not write it out.
List errors immediately in emacs-form without buffering. This is only needed if Jikes is crashing and you want to see errors as soon as they are detected; ordinarily errors are sorted and listed at the end of the compilation.
list errors in a form commonly used by emacs to scan for errors. By default errors are listed in a more readable form.
do full dependence check except for Zip and Jar files
generate makefiles with dependencies
generate pedantic listing
set tab width for listing error messages
do full dependence check including Zip and Jar files
treat cautons as errors

Jikes can be used to compile more than one file at a time, causing a class file to be created for each Java source file. It is possible that compilation of a file named early on in the argument list will force the compilation of a file that is also named later on; however, no file will be compiled more than once. Jikes allows the same file to be named more than once; however, such files are only compiled once:


Jikes also accepts arguments starting with an at-sign (@). Such arguments are taken be the name of a file, each line of which is then processed as though it were itself an argument, except that lines so read that begin with an at-sign are not processed recursively. For example, the above command could also be written as:

	    jikes @file.list
where file.list is a file containing the lines:

Why must I define CLASSPATH? What is JIKESPATH?

You must have some version of the JDK or JRE to run Jikes, so the compiler can access the standard class files. Note that versions 1.1 of the JDK do not require that you provide a definition of CLASSPATH to run javac and java. However, Jikes doesn't know what version of the JDK you are using and so must be told how to find the standard library files. This can be done in three ways:

Jikes allows the use of JAR files, which have the standard "zip" format, provided that any contained class files are stored either using no compression or the default "DeflatedN" compression (also known as "method 8" in zip-speak). Indeed, any item in the class path that is a not a directory is assumed to be a file in zip format. The code used to do the the uncompression is based on that used in unzip532 from Info-ZIP, so we have to make the following statement:

Jikes incorporates compression code from the Info-ZIP group. There are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and the original compression sources are freely available from Info-ZIP or Info-ZIP ftp site on the Internet.

Jikes looks for a definition of JIKESPATH in the environment before it looks for a definition of CLASSPATH. If JIKESPATH is defined, then its value is used when looking for a class file.

How do I control the compiler listing?

Jikes does not produce a compiler listing in the usual sense, but only writes out cautions, warnings and errors.

A caution is more severe than a warning, but normally does not prevent the writing of the class file. The +Z option can be used to prevent the writing of a class file if any cautions are detected.

A number of options select the kind and volume of the information produced. They are -nowarn, -verbose, +E and +P. The first two are found in most Java compilers: -nowarn requests that warning messages not be written, -verbose requests a report on the files, including source and class files, read and written by the compiler.

The error kind option +E is used to select how error messages are formatted, By default, error messages are written in a long form with the part of the text the compiler is complaining about underlined, and with detailed explanatory text. The +E option requests a terser form, suitable for automatic parsing by editors such as emacs and epsilon. For example, consider the mis-typed "hello world" example:

class hello {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     system.out.println("hi there"); // should be System...
When +E is not used, the error is reported as
Found 1 semantic error compiling "":

     3.      system.out.println("hi there"); // should be System...
*** Semantic Error: "system/out" is either a misplaced package name or a non-existent entity.

With +E is used, the error is reported as: Semantic:"system/out" is either a misplaced package name or a non-existent entity.
The initial part of each line contains several fields, separated by colons, giving in order the file name, the starting line in the file, the starting column in the starting line, the ending line, and the column number in the ending line.

The pedantic option +P is used to request a complete, pedantic listing. Just what is or is not pedantic depends in part on e-mail we have received in which users have noted that Jikes complains about constructs that other compilers accept. (It is an open question whether the other compilers choose not to report this information, or whether they do not even discover it.) Select this option for a detailed listing. Currently, the following are only reported if +P is selected:

We say C depends on D if and only if the constant pool for C contains a reference to D. Types so referenced may need to be incorporated into the compilation, either by reading their class file or compiling a source file to produce the needed class file. Incorporation is done as follows:

(The effect of the -depend option is to always compile a source file if there is one).

By default, Jikes does not incorporate D unless it must.

If +F is specified, and C does not belong to a Zip or Jar file, the type D is incorporated. Otherwise, D is incorporated only if it must be.

If +U is specified, then D is always incorporated.

Most compilers appear to use the same behavior as provided by Jikes by default.

You should only need to use +F and +U for special situations. You can use +F to get reports of errors and warnings resulting from the use of out-of-date or non-existent classes, at the expense of increasing compilation time. By default, Jikes assumes that class files placed in Zip and Jar files do not reference files not contained in Zip or Jar files; the +U option should be used when this is not the case.

What is incremental compilation?

Most Java compilers support at least some form of dependency resolution, where we say that file A depends on file B if a change to B implies that A must be rebuilt. For example, A.class depends on the source file defining A, usually The make program is commonly used to record the dependencies and keep files up to date.

Many Java compilers support a simple make-like function, as follows: when compiling A check all classes referred to by A and recompile any whose class file is older than the source file. This approach can cause problems if this implies recompiling B, and B is up to date, but uses C which is out of date, in which case C may not be recompiled.

Jikes supports the option -depend and interprets it as a request to recompile all used classes whether or not they are up to date with respect to their source file.

Jikes also supports the option +F to force a fuller check of dependency. If compilation of requires B.class then B will be recompiled if it is out of date. Once B.class is available, it is read, and any classes it references are also checked for dependencies. This fuller check is more expensive, but will not cause the problems that can result using the simple approach used by many compilers.

Jikes can also be run in an incremental mode that works as follows:

By the way, you may notice a substantial delay after you type q to end the incremental mode. This results from the time needed to execute the destructors invoked to delete all the nodes in the abstract syntax tree, all the symbols in the symbol table, etc. This cost is also incurred whenever the compiler must delete its current in-memory data structures before compiling a changed file. We are aware of this cost and are looking at ways to reduce it, but are making the compiler available with this known performance limitation so you can try it and test it for correctness.

How do I use Jikes to generate dependencies for make?

Most C and C++ compilers support the option -M to generate dependency information for use with make. Jikes provides the same function for Java using the option +M, which requests that Jikes create a file X.u for each file X.class that is compiled, and include in this file a list of all the files that X.class depends on. Note that use of the +M option turns on full dependency checking (as is done by the +F option).

The contents of any zip files in CLASSPATH are assumed to be fixed, and so are not included in the generated makefiles, mainly to avoid cluttering up the dependency list with voluminous dependencies on the contents of java.*.

Why does Jikes reject a program that another compiler accepts, or accept one that it rejects?

You may find that Jikes accepts a program that another compiler rejects (or can't compile), or rejects programs that another compiler accepts.

Each version of Jikes represents our best effort at the proper interpretation of the language specification. Although Jikes is designed to work with all but the earliest versions of the JDK, we make no claim that any particular version supports precisely the same language as any particular version of the JDK. Indeed, were we to attempt to match a particular version of the JDK, then we would also have to match the bugs in that version. Since some products are designed to work with specific versions of the JDK, the compilers associated with them may not always recognize the same programs as Jikes.

This section contains some examples of issues related to interpreting the specification. See also Does Jikes follow the Unofficial Java Spec Report?

Extraneous Semicolons

Your program may contain extraneous semicolons that are silently ignored by many compilers. For example, given

   public class Test {
      void f() {};          // first extra semicolon
   };                       // second extra semicolon
Jikes accepts the program but issues:
     2.       void f() {};       // first extra semicolon
*** Warning: An EmptyDeclaration is a deprecated feature that 
             should not be used - ";" ignored

     3.    };                   // second extra semicolon
*** Warning: An EmptyDeclaration is a deprecated feature that
             should not be used - ";" ignored
The first extra semicolon is erroneous, the second is allowed by section 7.6. Jikes treats each as cause to issue a warning. You can use the -nowarn option to suppress this (and other) warnings, or, even better, you can use your editor to delete those extra semicolons.

Unreachable Statements

It is a compile-time error if a statement cannot be executed because it is unreachable (section 14.19). When Jikes first appeared, some other compilers didn't properly detect unreachable statements, and accepted programs such as the following:

   class Test {
      void method(boolean b) {
         if (b) return;
         else return;
         b = !b;
Jikes rejected this program:
            b = !b;
    *** Semantic Error: This statement is unreachable
(This is the example referrred to in PC Week (April 14, 1997): IBM, Netscape Up Web Ante)

Another example, and one that confused many users, is shown by the following program:

   class Test {
      public static void main(String[] args){
         try {
         catch (Exception e) {
Jikes accepts this program but issues the warning:
          catch (Exception e) {
  *** Caution: This catch block is unreachable: there is 
      no exception whose type is assignable to 
      "java/lang/Exception" that can be thrown during
      execution of the body of the try block

This was the most frequently reported problem when Jikes first appeared. It took several months to confirm that Jikes was right all along. See Query #2 to Sun for the full story.

Here are some more examples of issues related to interpreting the language specification:
Query #1 to Sun: Inner Static
Query #2 to Sun: Unreachable Statements
Query #3 to Sun: Dependence
Query #4 to Sun: Are block-level inner interface declarations allowed?
Query #5 to Sun: String Concatenation Operator + and void
Query #6 to Sun: Getting a line on the LineNumberTable
Query #7 to Sun: Setting of InnerClasses_attribute inner_class_access_flags
Query #8 to Sun: Scope of Local Variable Declarations and Local Classes
Query #9 to Sun: Qualifying new for static inner class
Query #10 to Sun: Can a class access its own private methods via a subclass?
Query #11 to Sun: Access to members in anonymous classes

Does Jikes follow the Unofficial Java Spec Report?

The Unofficial Java Spec Report is an unofficial site that covers problems with the Java Language Specification, the Java Virtual Machine Specification, and the core API documents. It is maintained by Roly Perera and Peter Bertelsen, and we wish to thank them for their service to the Java community.

Starting with Jikes v0.28, we will attempt to track the recommendations of the unofficial report, and implement them where feasible. The current status for the 1.1 portion in Issue 9 (22 May 1998) is as follows:

Cyclic scoping.

Jikes rejects the program:

  class X extends Y.Z {}
  class Y extends X.Z {}
because Jikes checks for cycles by grouping types as follows: When a type T "extends" or "implements" a type U, we find the innermost enclosing group that contains an enclosing type Tx of T (which may be T itself) and an enclosing type Ux of U (which may be U itself) and add a dependence edge from Tx to Ux. We then check for cycles in the graph induced by this relationship.

Consider the following example:

class Z {}

class W extends Z
    class A
        class x extends B {}
        class y extends x {}

    class B
        class x extends A.x {}

    class C extends B.x {}
Its dependence graph contains the following edges:

This graph has a cycle: W.A->W.B->W.A. So Jikes rejects this program:

Found 3 semantic errors compiling "":

     5. 	class A
*** Semantic Error: The class "W$A" is circularly defined with
    its super type(s)

Resolution of ambiguous names. Implemented.

Access to protected members across nest siblings. Implemented.

Can nested interfaces redundantly be declared static? Yes.

Behavior of new when qualified with an expression that evalutes to null is undefined. Implemented.

Rule for making inacessible classes implicitly final is too lax. Jikes does not make this transformation.

Reachability of instance initializers and constructors undefined. Implemented.

Initialization requirements for blank final fields incorrect. Implemented.

When qualified new or super can be used unspecified. Implemented.

Blank finals and interface fields. Implemented.

When may this be used in an explicit constructor invocation? Implemented.

New hiding rules for parameters and local variables. Implemented.

Blank finals and try statements. Implemented.

Blank finals and loops. Implemented.

Unclear whether forward referencing rule changes. Implemented.

Transformations for anonymous classes unspecified. Implemented.

Private methods implicitly final. Implemented.

What can I do if I don't get the same results when using class files generated by Jikes?

It is possible that your current compiler was miscompiling the program and Jikes got it right. Jikes may have miscompiled your program and we would appreciate your reporting the problem. Here are some steps that may clarify the situation.

When you run your program using the Java virtual machine, run java with the option -verify to enable bytecode verification. If verification this shows one or more class files are faulty, you've found a bug in Jikes. Please tell us about it.

You should also to see if the Java virtual machine is using a JIT, in which case you should try with the JIT disabled. We have seen cases when JIT's fail with class files produced by Jikes, even though these class files pass verification.

Otherwise build two sets of class files, one using your current compiler and one using Jikes. Then, selectively substitute those produced by Jikes until you find a class file generated by Jikes whose use results in other than the expected output. If it appears that Jikes is at fault, please tell us about it.

How do I report bugs?

Please send mail to the mail list You need to subscribe to this list before you can post mail; instructions on how to subscribe can be found at

If you don't want to bother subscribing, send mail to David Shields,, who will forward it to the mail list.

It helps if you include a small program showing the problem.

Why is IBM Research making the source available?

We do many things here at IBM Research, the most important of which is -- you guessed it -- research.

Work on what is now known as Jikes began in January 1996 when one of us (Philippe) decided to study the problem of compiling Java. The other (Dave) joined the project in April 1996, and started out by writing the bytecode generator. We have worked full-time on the compiler ever since.

We released Jikes in binary form in April 1997. During the spring of 1998 we received many requests for a Linux version. Jikes for Linux was released on 15 July 1998 -- the response was overwhelming. Jikes had more downloads in the three months after the announcement than in the fifteen months before the announcement. The increase in downloads was not just for the Linux version: there was a corresponding surge for the Win95/NT version. We also got many bug reports -- our main goal in putting out this version.

We knew that putting out a version for Linux would inevitably raise the question, "Where's the source?" We received many notes and comments from users suggesting why this would be a good idea, and prepared a Summary of User Comments. We found their comments persuasive.

IBM Research is releasing the source for the Jikes Java compiler to make a very visible demonstration of IBM's commitment to open standards and to Java, to make Jikes more reliable and accessible, to encourage more widespread use of Java, to encourage standardization of Java, and to enhance the reputation of the Research division. We expect this will reinforce the efforts of other IBM groups working with open source, notably the recent alliance of IBM and the Apache group, and will also provide real-world experience working with open source that should be of help to other groups within Research that plan on releasing some open source work soon.

Work on Jikes will continue as it began -- as research -- both on implementing Java, and seeing what it's like for IBM Research to initiate, and then participate in, an Open Source Project.

The release of JikesTM does not establish a policy for the rest of IBM outside of Research, nor does it define a standard Source License for Research. Other Source agreements from IBM, including IBM Research, if and when they do come, are likely to be more restrictive with respect to commercial use -- we are allowing almost any use for Jikes because we believe it benefits the Java community and doesn't give away any intellectual property.

What does IBM Research plan to do with the source?

We will continue our work, emphasizing (as we always have) conformance to the specification. We just want to improve and refine the compiler. We will continue -- as always -- to seek Sun's guidance in clarifying the proper interpretation of the specification where the intent is unclear, and then implementing it.

We will communicate in full public view using mailing lists. We will publish the source in CVS form, and will accept voluntary contributions.

We also plan to operate as a meritocracy -- the more you do, the more you will be asked to do, and the more credit you will get.

What can I do with the source?

Don't forget to read the license carefully. It explains in detail what you can and cannot do.

You can pretty much do whatever you want -- as long as we get some acknowledgment. You can distribute it in binary or source form, take all or part of it and put it in something else, and then redistribute it. It's all up to you.

However, IBM retains control of the names "IBM" and "JikesTM". You can't use them without our permission.

You are under no obligation to tell us what you are doing with the source, or to inform us of any changes you make.

How do I compile the source?

We provide a simple Makefile that we find works with most make programs that are available. It's written to not assume any particular version of make, and currently consists of a series of clauses for each of the ports we have done to date, with, of course, the last clause encountered being the one used to effect compilation. Note that some versions assume particular directory structures, and you will have to make appropriate changes.

To build the source from scratch, do:

    cd jikes/src
    make clean

Some of the source files are machine-generated. To see what's going on here do

    touch java.g

If you haven't yet done so, you can download the Jikes Parser Generator in its source form, compile it, install it as jikespg somewhere on your PATH and run make again.

We rarely need to run the parser generator. The published Java grammar is well-crafted; indeed, we don't recall having to make any changes to make it acceptable as input to the parser generator. The rare changes to java.g are those needed to effect a change in the action code.

Whenever you start work on a new variant, it is useful to modify the version info. This is contained near the end of the file jikes.cpp. This is the text that is printed out when jikes is invoked with no arguments.

If you are using Microsoft's C++ compiler for Win95/NT, be warned that we have noticed failures running some of the IEEE-related tests in Sun's JCK using a version of Jikes so compiled. We will try to publish a fuller treatment of this problem soon.

How do I test the compiler?

We currently test new versions of the compiler using these tests

The Jikes Compiler source distribution includes the derek and hpj tests to provide a rudimentary regression test facility. The test set also include the pr tests. These are based on the Problem Reports from 094 on that we have received this year. The problem reports can be found in the Jikes Discussion Database. The pr test suite is a work in progress and we welcome volunteers who want to work with us to bring the test set to a usable state.

The tests are available as a collection of files jikestst. The file jikestst.htm in the main directory for the tests contains instructions on their installation and use.

The tests are intended mainly for regression testing and are by no means meant to be interpreted as a comprehensive test of compliance or conformance.

I'd like to join your project. How can I help?

We need all the help we can get, but please be patient as we we try to get the project going. The pay is low, but we promise to be scrupulous in giving credit where credit is due.

We are in particular need of experienced compiler people familiar with both Java and C++ (isn't everyone?).

We also need help in debugging, documentation and testing.

We require only commitment and enthusiasm. There's lots to be done. We expect we can find a way to use your skills, and will attempt to provide any necessary training on the fly as we all work together.

Do you have any program documentation? Where do I get it?

All that is availalble now is the source. As is common with many works in progress, we have only had time to comment the source as it has evolved.

We plan to provide more documentation in the future.

Will you continue to distribute binary versions on alphaWorks?

We plan to continue distributing binary versions of JikesTM on alphaworks for at most three platforms: Linux, Win95/NT and perhaps AIX. These will be fully tested using all the tests available to us; we will of course perform similar testing before releasing new versions of the source.

How does Jikes compare with IBM products such as VisualAge Java?

JikesTM is a research project, providing just the core function of Java compilation. It is not an IBM product, and is certainly not a replacement for, or alternative to, IBM products such as VAJava. The latter is a full, industrial-strength product. Compilation is but one of the many functions that it provides.

Jikes is a source to bytecode compiler, and not a bytecode to native compiler, such as the High Performance Java compiler that is part of the latest VisualAge Product. Jikes is similar to function to the javac compiler shipped with Sun's Java Development Kits (JDK's).

Jikes is designed to operate with any version of the JDK, while other IBM offerings are usually designed to work only with a particular version of the JDK. Thus it is possible that Jikes may reject a program that another IBM-written compiler accepts, or vice versa.